HIPAA Privacy Policy


Healthtigo.com ("we," "us," "our") is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your health information. This HIPAA Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your Protected Health Information (PHI) in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).


  • Protected Health Information (PHI): Any information about health status, healthcare, or payment for healthcare that can be linked to an individual.
  • Covered Entity: Healthtigo.com qualifies as a covered entity under HIPAA regulations.
  • Business Associate: Any third party that performs services on behalf of Healthtigo.com that involve the use or disclosure of PHI.

Collection of PHI

We may collect PHI in the following ways:

  • Directly from you when you provide information through our website, during registration, or while using our services.
  • From healthcare providers, insurance companies, and other entities involved in your healthcare.

Use of PHI

We may use your PHI for the following purposes:

  • Treatment: To provide, coordinate, or manage your healthcare and related services.
  • Payment: To obtain payment for services provided to you.
  • Healthcare Operations: For activities necessary to support our healthcare operations, such as quality assessment, employee review, and training.

Disclosure of PHI

We may disclose your PHI in the following circumstances:

  • To You: You have the right to access your PHI.
  • For Treatment, Payment, and Healthcare Operations: As necessary to provide treatment, obtain payment, and conduct healthcare operations.
  • With Your Authorization: With your written consent, we may disclose PHI for purposes not otherwise permitted or required by law.
  • Required by Law: When disclosure is required by federal, state, or local law.
  • Public Health Activities: For public health purposes such as preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability.
  • Health Oversight Activities: To health oversight agencies for activities authorized by law.
  • Judicial and Administrative Proceedings: In response to a court order or administrative tribunal.
  • Law Enforcement: For law enforcement purposes as required by law.
  • To Avert a Serious Threat: To prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of others.

Your Rights

You have the following rights regarding your PHI:

  • Right to Access: You can request copies of your PHI.
  • Right to Amend: You can request corrections to your PHI if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Right to an Accounting of Disclosures: You can request a list of disclosures we have made of your PHI.
  • Right to Request Restrictions: You can request restrictions on how we use or disclose your PHI.
  • Right to Request Confidential Communications: You can request that we communicate with you about your health in a specific way or at a specific location.
  • Right to a Paper Copy: You can request a paper copy of this Privacy Policy.

Security of PHI

We implement appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect your PHI against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page with an updated effective date. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or wish to exercise your rights regarding your PHI, please contact us at:

Email: support@healthtigo.com
Address: 6136 Frisco Square Blvd, Frisco, TX, 75034
Phone: 460-421-2618

By using Healthtigo.com, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this HIPAA Privacy Policy.